
On 12 September 2019 all staff at Brydens Lawyers will be encouraged to wear yellow and start a meaningful conversation with their colleagues about mental health and wellbeing in recognition of R U OK? Day.

Many of us have, from time to time, held concerns that a colleague may be feeling the pressures of work or life generally. It may be that they behave differently, are a little withdrawn or agitated. Generally we are pretty good at identifying a friend in need.

If that is the case then it is time to ask that friend or colleague, R U OK? It may be that they simply want someone to talk to. It may be that they require expert intervention. When you ask someone, R U OK, be prepared for the answer. If you do not think that you are the right person to have the conversation, then you should engage the assistance of a support network who can talk with your friend or colleague.

Mental health and wellbeing has been, quite properly, the subject of much discussion in recent years. There is no shame attached to mental health and wellbeing issues. It is a condition, like all other conditions, that can be readily identified and treated. Mental health and wellbeing concerns do not discriminate. They cover all socio-economic groups, men and women, the young and old.

One of the most concerning features of mental health and wellbeing issues is a reluctance on the part of those who are suffering to seek help or speak to someone. That is why it is incumbent upon all of us to ask, R U OK? Not just on 12 September 2019 but whenever we feel that someone may need help.

If there is someone that you feel requires professional support then there are a number of organisations available to assist.

For professional intervention or expert counselling contact:

  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
  • Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
  • Griefline 1300 845 745